The procedure for publishing articles in the journal “Competitiveness in a global world: economics, science, technology”

  1. Articles that have scientific novelty, relevance, practical significance, and that meet the requirements established in the journal for the content and design of scientific articles are accepted for publication in the journal.
  2. To publish an article in the journal, you must send an author’s questionnaire and the text of the article, formatted in accordance with the “Requirements for the content and design of scientific articles accepted for publication in the journal” in one file (Word format) to the editorial office “Competitiveness in a global world: economics, science, technology”
  3. The editors of the journal review the article in accordance with the “Regulations on the review of scientific articles in the journal “Competitiveness in a Global World: Economics, Science, Technology”” and inform the author of the decision to publish the article, reject it, or send it for revision.
  4. Submission and acceptance of an article for publication presupposes a free, perpetual transfer by the author (authors) of the article of non-exclusive copyright to the editorial office. All exclusive rights remain with the authors of the articles. The editors have the right to literary and spelling processing of the text and title of the article when preparing it for publication.
  5. Articles by magazine subscribers are published free of charge. The editors send the authors a copy of the journal with the published article by postal parcel. The subscription cost is 8,500 rubles, the cost of producing an additional copy of the magazine is 1,000 rubles.